Students who miss class are at a disadvantage over those who are present. Or are they?
With an LMS like Twine, teachers can post course content, helpful videos, extra practice assignments, classwork and homework for students to access from anywhere they can connect to the internet. While many schools use this ability to supplement classroom activities or roll out a blended learning initiative, there’s another benefit to having a one-stop-shop for class information: student absences.
When students miss class they can log into their Twine portal, view what the class did that day, complete classwork assignments from home, and even get a jumpstart on their homework. Gone are the days of students falling hopelessly behind and struggling for weeks to catch up – instead they can follow along with class, no matter where they are.
Additionally, with Twine’s absence tracking system, families can let the school know of pre-planned absences and note whether students are home sick so there’s no need to run down families to make sure they know their students are out. Teachers also have access to this information, so they’ll know in advance not to expect them in class and can message home anything special that isn’t otherwise noted on their class pages.
At Twine, we are excited about helping schools, passionate about transforming learning and focused on improving student achievement. We are proud to provide technology solutions that help schools achieve their goals. Want to know more about what type of school management software might work for your school?