In recent years STEM has evolved into STEAM, incorporating arts into STEM activities. There are lots of places to look for inspiration as you are trying to start planning your courses and lessons for your non-STEM courses. Although our new school planning guide has some great options for curriculum development, there’s always room for more resources when it comes to thinking about the most important component of your new school.
Today’s blog focuses on arts and humanities, but if you’re looking for resources in STEM subjects, check out our previous blog.
- The Ovation Foundation – This organization has an Arts Ed Toolkit, which was designed in partnership with the NCTA Foundation and the New York City Department of Education and offers free online education resources to teachers, including visual arts, music, dance, theater and more. These are typically geared toward students in grades 9-12.
- Annenberg Learner – This blog focuses on teacher resources and professional development, but this guide to celebrating arts and humanities month is an absolute treasure chest of great resources in curriculum development.
- The Kennedy Center ArtsEd – This site has a great search function that allows teachers to find arts-based lesson plans based on grade, subject, keyword and more. If you’re trying to fill in the gaps in an arts curriculum, this is the perfect way to find some lessons to interject.
- Khan Academy – While most people think of Khan Academy as being leaders in math and science resources, they actually have a ton of resources for arts and humanities courses, including AP-level classes.
- Teachnology – This site bills itself as “The online teacher resource”, and their list of curriculum resources for arts and humanities is definitely thorough. It includes everything from rubrics to worksheets to lesson plans, and includes all branches of art and humanities.
Whether you’re just starting to think about curriculum or you’re well on your way to opening your school, these resources are a great way to get you thinking about how to have an excellent arts and humanities curriculum at your school.
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